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financial planning EDUCATIONAL SERIES 

Lunch Webinar:

A Sequel: Best Practices for Protection against Cyber Threats

Event Information:

Date: June 19th, 2025

Time: 12:00 PM EST

Location: Virtual - Webinar log in details will be sent after registering

       Aryn Johnson

In this sequel to the highly rated Cyber Security webinar, Aryn Johnson, will use case studies to educate your on the most common types of cybercrimes* and the strategies for avoiding them. Plus, she will review how to insure and protect yourself, children and business from them. 

Aryn is an excellent presenter, with deep knowledge of both cyber crime and insurance options clients can use to protect against this risk and other personal risk. 

*The most common types of cybercrime: Identity theft, social engineering, fraud schemes, phishing scams, online dating, new technology and currency threats.  

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