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15 tips that I wish I knew for my freshman year Thumbnail

15 tips that I wish I knew for my freshman year

  Freshman year of college is one of the most exciting times in a young adult’s life. As a recent college graduate looking back, these are some of the things that I wish I knew going in to my freshman year. Follow one or follow them all, but these small tips are meant to help you on your way to making your first year of college your best year yet!


1. Remember to sleep! It is way more important than you would think!


2. Join clubs and organizations early. Having a break from schoolwork and a group with shared interests to hang out with outside of class can make all of the difference.


3. Make an effort to meet new people each day. Everyone is looking to make new friends coming in to freshman year.


4. Meet upper classmen too. Upper classmen are great connections to have on campus, and can provide academic, social and career recommendations for years to come.


5. Go to office hours! Make an effort to go to visit each professor you have outside of class. Putting a face to a name makes a big difference for a professor and they’ll be likely to give you the benefit of the doubt on your final grade.


6. Go to the gym and make your health a priority: you will undoubtedly have your fair share of late-night food in your time at school, so find ways to stay active.


7. The dining hall isn’t all bad. In fact, it is a great place to come together with friends and talk for hours. The food may not be ideal, but as an upper classman you will miss having a place to gather and eat with friends.


8. Seriously: Bring the shower shoes that your Mom nags about. Community bathrooms will not have the cleanest showers that you’ve ever seen, and no one wants to get sick.


9. Go to class. It’s not hard, and professors know if you’re there and actively participating. You’re in class way less than you were in high school.


10. Don’t be afraid to answer a question wrong in class! Raise your hand and be an active participator. It will keep you more engaged in the learning process and the professor will take note of your will to learn.


11.  Stay organized and find a routine that works for you. Balancing schoolwork and a social life may not be easy, but it is best accomplished when scheduling out your day.


12. Explore your college town, and find adventures in the nearby area. Sometimes the coolest spots are off the beaten path.


13. Don’t forget your family, and give Mom and Dad a call when you can. Trust me, they haven’t forgotten about you and they’ll appreciate a ring every once in a while.


14. Make smart choices. This may sound like it’s coming from your Mom, but it is important to stay true to what you’re comfortable with, and never feel pressured into doing something that you wouldn’t do otherwise.


15. Live in the moment because it goes by VERY fast. Freshman year is something unlike anything else. Everyone is together, excited to make new friends, and ready to have a great time. Don’t let it slip by.


Best of luck to everyone on a great school year!


All the best,


Andrew Holmes




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