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Our Weekly Blog

Should you make any gifts before year end? Thumbnail

Should you make any gifts before year end?

If you sold those shares, you could be subject to long term capital gains taxes on the $9,000 gain. If you were in the 20% capital gains bracket, that would cost you $1,800 in taxes plus a potential additional 3.8% tax in certain tax brackets.

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Don’t make the holidays a gift to hackers Thumbnail

Don’t make the holidays a gift to hackers

You’re at the coffee shop waiting to meet a friend or family member. So, while you’re waiting you decide to check your bank and investment account balances. This is not a good idea. Public Wi-Fi networks—whether you are at the mall, library, a restaurant or a bar— typically are not secure. That means that any information you are looking at on your phone or laptop could be intercepted and viewed by someone else. Save your financial check ins for when you are on a known, secured network such as at home or work.

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Uncertain Times Thumbnail

Uncertain Times

As human beings, I think we all like the idea of certainty. Most of us don’t welcome change and the thought of what might happen (Especially if we perceive the outcome to be bad) can really make us uncomfortable. Whether uncertainty is lurking in our relationships, our home life, our jobs, and if you watch the news as of late, our finances, it takes us out of our comfort zone.

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