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President Biden's Infrastructure Bill Thumbnail

President Biden's Infrastructure Bill

Ever drive down the road and feel like you are avoiding landmines?  How about driving under a nice rusty bridge and hope it doesn’t collapse?

Well, that might all change.  BUT, it will take some time.

Last week at the White House, President Biden signed a $1T (That’s trillion with a “T”) bipartisan infrastructure bill that will enable enhancements for transportation and utilities over the next five years.1

$550 billion over the five years, will be invested into both the physical infrastructure of the nation’s roads and railways as well as bringing internet to areas it hasn’t been previously available.1

This infrastructure bill should also create numerous jobs in many parts of the country. Projects ranging from replacing lead pipes in water systems and repairs to bridges will now move from the planning stages to actual physical improvements.1

As usual, these large government programs mean money for private concerns as contractors place bids and get hired for these projects. Time will tell how much and how quickly things get done.   With any government run program, I don’t imagine things will move forward too quickly.

As always, when making big financial decisions, it is always best to speak with and take the advice of a Certified Financial Planner® practitioner. Any questions, we are here to help you figure it all out.

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All the best.

Rick Fingerman, CFP®, CDFA™, CCFS®



  1. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/15/biden-signing-1-trillion-bipartisan-infrastructure-bill-into-law.html

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