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Don't Rely on a Large Inheritance Thumbnail

Don't Rely on a Large Inheritance

Older Americans are living longer than previous generations, reducing how much they can leave behind despite accumulated wealth and home equity. The average life expectancy in 2023 was 82.2 years for American women and 77.0 years for men.

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What's better than a New Year's Resolution? Thumbnail

What's better than a New Year's Resolution?

You see, habits, both good and bad, over time, can have impact. Spending $15 a day on coffee, lunch, etc. each workday or putting $15 each workday day in savings can do two very different things (Interestingly, they both cost the same). If one spends $15 a day five days a week that equates to about $3,900 a year. If I told you to save $3,900 a year that might seem daunting but when we do those small steps, it's the compound effect in action. What could you do with an extra $3,900 a year? (Or even better, an extra $3,900 a year growing over the next 10 years.)1

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Empty Nesting: Why is it taking so long for my adult child to grow up Thumbnail

Empty Nesting: Why is it taking so long for my adult child to grow up

Today things are very different for young people. They are taking their time to finish college and settle into their first “real” job. Gap years, world travel and other diversions are just normal for many now. Marriage and having children is happening much later in life, too. These all seem to be delays in accepting the responsibilities of adulthood. For any parent of twenty-something’s today, this can be a very frustrating time.

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Have you inherited an IRA? Thumbnail

Have you inherited an IRA?

First, if you inherit an IRA (or Roth IRA) from a spouse there are special rules. Only a spouse is allowed to take an inherited IRA and roll it into their own IRA. Their RMD date can be the same as if it was their account initially.

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