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New Year's Resolutions?  Fuhgeddaboudit!  Thumbnail

New Year's Resolutions? Fuhgeddaboudit!

Okay, so should you have New Year's Resolutions? No. Let's call them habits as resolutions haven't really worked for most. Do you know when new memberships are highest at gyms? You guessed it. In December and January. People are all gung ho to get in shape and when do we start? In January! A new year! A new chance!

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5 things to know before you’re done ‘working for the man Thumbnail

5 things to know before you’re done ‘working for the man

In 2021 we’ve seen more people retire than ever before. The Great Resignation has made headlines as workers seem to be quitting in every industry and Help Wanted signs are everywhere. After almost two years of the pandemic and working at home, many workers now know the benefits of skipping the morning commute, more time with family, and possibly a more relaxed work day than being in the office.

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How do I protect my identity from getting stolen? Thumbnail

How do I protect my identity from getting stolen?

Even the most careful people are not immune to identity theft. According to a recent report, 47% of Americans experienced financial identity theft in 2020.2 That’s nearly half of all adults, and that only includes the cases of identity theft that were properly reported

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