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Our Weekly Blog

The inflation apocalypse? Thumbnail

The inflation apocalypse?

Lately there’ve been a lot of headlines about rising inflation. As of the end of November 2021, the annualized Consumer Price Index-Urban was 6.8%.1 We already know this as we are seeing it in higher gas, grocery, housing, and other price increases. With prices going up, what does that mean for the economy and the stock market?

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10 Year-end planning tips  Thumbnail

10 Year-end planning tips

Note the tax loss deadline. You have until December 31 to harvest any tax losses and/or offset any capital gains. It may be advantageous to time sales in order to maximize tax benefits this year or next. We may also want to book gains and offset with any losses.

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Required Minimum Distributions Thumbnail

Required Minimum Distributions

In 2020, because of a provision in one of the COVID relief bills, you didn’t need to take your RMD. Not so this year (2021). The regular rule has returned and, for many investors the RMD is big.

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President Biden's Infrastructure Bill Thumbnail

President Biden's Infrastructure Bill

This infrastructure bill should also create numerous jobs in many parts of the country. Projects ranging from replacing lead pipes in water systems and repairs to bridges will now move from the planning stages to actual physical improvements

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2021: Year of the Roth conversion Thumbnail

2021: Year of the Roth conversion

Roth conversions have been around for years but many investors take a pass when they see how much tax they’ll have to pay to do a conversion. This year may change all that. With tax rates likely headed higher soon, the benefit of converting your IRA to a Roth now may pay off in the long run.

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