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The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Spouse  Thumbnail

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Spouse

Their financial goals were like many I sit down with. They wanted a comfortable retirement where they could both stop working and do a little volunteer work. Felicity also toyed with the idea of starting a small business. For them, retirement meant some annual travel (until they were no longer able), doing some hiking, and visiting their kids. Since they were both in good health and with a desired retirement age of around 65, that meant they could be around for 30 + years.

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Where can I get 5% and no risk? Thumbnail

Where can I get 5% and no risk?

As financial planners we want to ensure that our clients have the money they need once they retire and have as little money worries as possible. While you are working, if the stock market declines, you might decide to just work a few more years to make up for the lower value of your investment accounts. #RetirementIncome #RetirementPlanning #WorryFreeRetirement #LymanJackson

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Early bird gets the worm? Thumbnail

Early bird gets the worm?

Over the past decade, the amount of early decision applications has grown rapidly, especially in highly selective private institutions. What are the benefits/drawbacks and just how binding is an Early Decision application?

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